The silver lining

It marks a glimmer of hope that a German ruling on athletes rights to advertise during the Olympic Games, will allow swimmers to benefit from swimming revenue, which breaks through this total enclosure of non profitability for swimmers.

Whilst the ruling only applies to German swimmers, it will follow on that other nations will take steps to copy-cat the ruling.

It seems fair that swimmers can have some sort of direct earnings power through their significant achievements by being able to earn through adverts, whilst their names are fresh and in everybody’s mind, whilst the games are on.

I read about this on SwimVortex who publish on Facebook. I copy from Reuters, taking from the blog:

From Reuters:

Among the changes are that advertising activities planned for during the Olympics no longer need to be cleared by the DOSB beforehand.

They can also include some terms such as “medal, gold, silver, bronze, winter or summer games.”

It is now also permitted to use certain photographs taken during the Games, while athletes are allowed to use social media more freely during the Olympic Games.

“With its decision, the German Cartel Office recognized that there are legitimate reasons for restricting individual athletes’ advertising opportunities in order to ensure the ongoing organization of the Olympic Games,” the IOC said in a statement.

More on the story in English from Reuters……/olympics-german-athletes-score-ad…

I think that is brilliant news and allows athletes to make some decisions for themselves, which brings so much for fun into the sport.

I still do not think that full commercialisation of all amateur sports is not viable, especially not those sports who are not attracting huge crowds normally but that solution is just brilliant.


Whilst waiting to get some screws to tighten my shoulder bones together, I kicked and kicked and kicked and now also have tendonitis.

All is not well and perhaps the rest after the Op will do good.

What is a year of injury in a life-long swimming career?

It is a bit of a chain-reaction sometimes. Once something goes wrong, everything else goes wrong as well. But, it can’t last forever.

Muscular interaction

Have now decided to step down from the top performance squat because with parts of the body injured, the training level and demand on the whole body is simply too much.

Training exercises affect the whole body and if part of that body is not fully working than the result can be more pain and injury.

A shoulder operation may involve having to wear a plaster cast on the shoulder for 2 – 3 months and that will effectively squash any hope of being in the pool.

We will hear next week what the time-table for the treatment is going to be.

It’s always good to have other things to do. The GCSE and schooling are always there, it is possible to do gym work and land work and there is always the possibility to enter a career of coaching to pass on that enthusiasm and skills.

Stay positive, look forward, never give up.

The New 2019

So, the new year is coming and for a young person, all New Years are full of expectation. For Madison the swimming career is on a hold and keep-fit level.

There is a discussion going on what to do next and it is not easy to decide what to do. But it is never wasted time to swim and keep fit in any event.